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  • 孙华文 普外
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    1994.07湖北医科大学(现武汉大学医学部)  获硕士学位

    2004.07华中科技大学同济医学院        获博士学位

    2008.05-2008.08 日本名古屋大学医学部    访问学者



    1994-至今 武汉大学人民医院胃肠外科



    1. Dendritic Cells with CED-3 and CED-4 siRNA is Effective in Prolonging DC Lifetime and Suppresses Tumor Growth in Gastric Cancer. Sun HW, Chen X, Wu HX, Wu C. Hepatogastroenterology. 2012 Aug 16;60(122). 

    2. A new development of FG-CC' siRNA blocking interaction of Tim-1 and Tim-4 can enhance DC vaccine against gastric cancer . Sun HW, Wu C, Tan HY, Wang QS. Hepatogastroenterology. 2012 Nov-Dec;59(120):2677-82.

    3. Sun HW,Wu C,Tan HY,Wang QS.Combination DLL4 with Jagged1-siRNA can enhance inhibition of the proliferation and invasiveness activity of human gastril carcinoma by Notch 11 VEGF pathway.Hepatogastroenteronterology,2012 May;59(115):924-929.

    4. RhoA and RhoC -siRNA inhibits the proliferation and invasiveness activity of human gastric carcinoma by Rho/PI3K/Akt pathway. World J Gastroenterol 2007 July 7; 13(25).

    5. 转存活素基因树突状细胞抗消化道肿瘤的免疫效应.中华外科杂志,2005,43(5):313-316.

    6. 胆管癌抗原肽对转染全长野生型p53的树突状细胞免疫功能的影响.中华肝胆外科杂志,2005,11(6):400-402.

    7. 胆管癌肿瘤裂解物修饰和p53基因导入对树突状细胞免疫效应的影响.临床外科杂志,2004,12:530-533.

    8. Effects of dendritic cells transfected with full-length wild-type p53 and stimulated by gastric cancer lysates on immune response. World J Gastroenterol. 2004,10(17):2595-2597.

    9. 转Survivin基因树突状细胞抗消化道肿瘤的免疫效应研究.中华实验外科杂志,2004,21.(12):1490-1492.

    10. 胆管癌肿瘤裂解物修饰和p53 基因导入对树突状细胞免疫效应的影响,临床外科杂志,2004,12(9):530-532.