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  • 叶青松 整形
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    姓名 叶青松
    出生年月 1981年3月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院再生医学研究中心
    所属学科 临床医学-外科学(整形外科)
    职务、职称及头衔 再生医学研究中心主任,教授,博士生导师,中组部国家青年人才
    E-mail qingsongye@whu.edu.cn
    联系方式 027-88041911-85537
    研究方向 1.牙源性干细胞及通用型诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs)的获取、扩增和分化的技术和相关机制研究
    个人简介 叶青松教授拥有医学科学和口腔医学双博士学位,从事牙源性干细胞与再生医学研究以及错合畸形的临床矫治。在《Advanced Materials》、《Biomaterials》、《Nano Research》、《Stem Cells International》等杂志上发表了论文100余篇。参编卫生部研究生规划教材《循证口腔医学》。近年来获得科研及配套经费超过1000万,包括“计划”项目和国自然基金面上项目等。
    叶青松教授曾担任重要国际组织的领导职务,包括亚太正畸牙周论坛主席、大洋洲Begg正畸协会的执委会常委,以及世界牙科研究会 FNQ 区主席。他还创立了中国首家牙齿干细胞银行(优牙生物)并担任首席科学家。2020 年牵头申报《异体人牙髓间充质干细胞治疗COVID-2019重症肺炎的安全性和有效性研究》先后通过中国和美国临床试验中心注册,同时获得卫健委临床试验备案,是全球首个牙源性干细胞治疗新冠肺炎的临床研究。此外,申请发明专利 7 项,实用新型专利1项,已授权3项;鉴于他的学术成就和影响力,他荣获2018Albert Nelson终身成就奖,被遴选为澳洲科研委员会及香港创新科技署基金评审专家库成员。
    学术任职与荣誉 国际牙医师学院院士
    Bioactive Materials(2019影响因子8.72)、Stem Cells International杂志(IF 3.85)专刊主编
    Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry副主编; Current Medical Sciences、《口腔疾病防治》等四十多本杂志编委及评审专家
    教育履历 1999.09-2004.06 四川大学华西医学中心 获学士学位
    2004.09-2006.06 四川大学华西口腔医学院正畸科 获硕士学位
    2006.09-2009.06 四川大学华西口腔医学院正畸科 获博士学位(口腔医学)
    2006.09-2013.04 荷兰格罗宁根大学医学中心 获博士学位(医学科学)
    工作履历 2010.11-2014.06 詹姆斯库克大学 正畸科主任、颅颌面研究实验室主任、终身教授、博导
    2014.06-2019.09 昆士兰大学-温州医科大学干细胞与组织工程研究所所长、终身教授、研究员、博导、博士后合作导师
    成果获奖 1. JCU青年骨干领导奖(2011)
    3. IADR Colgate Travel Grant(2013)
    5.美国Albert Nelson终身成就奖(2018)
    代表性论著 Xu, C., Xiao, L., Cao, Y., He, Y., Lei, C., Xiao, Y., ... & Ye, Q. (2020). Mesoporous silica rods with cone shaped pores modulate inflammation and deliver BMP-2 for bone regeneration. Nano Research, 1-9.
    Luo, L., He, Y., Wang, X., Key, B., Lee, B. H., Li, H., & Ye, Q. (2018). Potential roles of dental pulp stem cells in neural regeneration and repair. Stem cells international, 2018.
    Li, Y., Zhang, K., Liu, P., Chen, M., Zhong, Y., Ye, Q., ... & Tang, Z. (2019). Encapsulation of plasmid DNA by nanoscale metal–organic frameworks for efficient gene transportation and expression. Advanced Materials, 31(29), 1901570.
    Ye, Q., Harmsen, M. C., Ren, Y., & Bank, R. A. (2011). The role of collagen receptors Endo180 and DDR-2 in the foreign body reaction against non-crosslinked collagen and gelatin. Biomaterials, 32(5), 1339-1350.
    Ye, Q., Harmsen, M. C., van Luyn, M. J., & Bank, R. A. (2010). The relationship between collagen scaffold cross-linking agents and neutrophils in the foreign body reaction. Biomaterials, 31(35), 9192-9201.
    Name Qingsong Ye
    Date of birth March,1981
    Department Center of Regenerative Medicine Stomatology Department,Renmin Hospital,Wuhan University.
    Title Professor, Doctoral Advisor/Supervisor
    Email Qingsongye@whu.edu.cn
    TEL 027-88041911-85537
    Research Direction 1. The obtaining, proliferation and differentiation of dental stem cells and universal induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and their related mechanisms
    2. The applications of mesenchymal stem cells (including dental pulp stem cells) and iPSCs in tissue regeneration (e.g. nerve regeneration, bone regeneration, myocardial regeneration, etc.) and clinical research
    3. Application of nanotechnology and bioactive materials in tissue engineering
    4. Research on the mechanism of malocclusion and craniomaxillofacial congenital diseases, orthodontic and orthognathic treatment, evidence-based medicine
    Personal Profile Professor Qingsong Ye is currently Full Professor and Director of the Centre of Regenerative Medicine, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University.  He was a tenured full professor at School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Australia, and an invited research professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University. He obtained two PhD degrees (in Dentistry and in Medical Science), His second PhD is from University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands, with a focus on stem cell and tissue engineering.  He is a diplomat of Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, a fellow of World Federation of Orthodontists, a fellow of International College of Dentists and an elected fellow of Royal Society of Medicine, The United Kingdom.
    Professor Ye is a leading expert in Regenerative Dentistry and Medicine, including bioactive nano-materials, dental stem cell & iPSCs, nature derived & synthetic scaffolding biomaterials and foreign body reaction against biomaterials. His work leads to some 100 original scientific papers and review articles, of which majority are in high impact dental and medical journals. Prof. Ye is review panel member for Australian Research Council and Innovation and Technology Support Programme. Prof. Ye has lectured around the world as a keynote speaker in many conferences. Furthermore, he has a long-standing editorial experience and has served as an Associate Editor to the Journal of World Federation of Orthodontists (2012-17) and Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry (2014-present), Guest Editor to Stem Cells International (2017-2018), Co-Editor-in-Chief  Chin. Newsletter for Consumers of Cochrane Collaboration (2004-2010), Assist Editor to Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine (2002-2006). Moreover, he serves as an editorial board member for a dozen of biomedical journals and regular referee for over 50 journals.
    Professor Ye has superviced/co-supervised 8 PhD students and 17 Master students, and is currently supervising 3 PhD students and 7 Master students. His group has established extensive research colloborations with leading institutes around the world, including but not limited to Australia, Europe, United States and Canada.
    Selected Publications Xu, C., Xiao, L., Cao, Y., He, Y., Lei, C., Xiao, Y., ... & Ye, Q. (2020). Mesoporous silica rods with cone shaped pores modulate inflammation and deliver BMP-2 for bone regeneration. Nano Research, 1-9.
    Luo, L., He, Y., Wang, X., Key, B., Lee, B. H., Li, H., & Ye, Q. (2018). Potential roles of dental pulp stem cells in neural regeneration and repair. Stem cells international, 2018.
    Li, Y., Zhang, K., Liu, P., Chen, M., Zhong, Y., Ye, Q., ... & Tang, Z. (2019). Encapsulation of plasmid DNA by nanoscale metal–organic frameworks for efficient gene transportation and expression. Advanced Materials, 31(29), 1901570.
    Ye, Q., Harmsen, M. C., Ren, Y., & Bank, R. A. (2011). The role of collagen receptors Endo180 and DDR-2 in the foreign body reaction against non-crosslinked collagen and gelatin. Biomaterials, 32(5), 1339-1350.
    Ye, Q., Harmsen, M. C., van Luyn, M. J., & Bank, R. A. (2010). The relationship between collagen scaffold cross-linking agents and neutrophils in the foreign body reaction. Biomaterials, 31(35), 9192-9201.