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  • 罗建飞 普外
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    姓名 罗建飞
    出生年月 1972年9月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院胃肠外二科
    所属学科 临床医学-外科学
    职务、职称及头衔 主任医师,硕士研究生导师,胃肠外二科主任&减肥与糖尿病主任
    E-mail afei099@163.com
    联系方式 027-88041911转81333或13971255961
    研究方向 1.胃肠肿瘤外科基础及临床
    个人简介 主要从事胃肠肿瘤外科以及减重与代谢外科基础与临床工作,发表学术论文40余篇,在SCI期刊上发表论文20余篇,主持省部级课题2项,湖北省自然科学基金2项,参与多项临床研究,参编多部学术专著。
    学术任职与荣誉 湖北省微循环学会减重与代谢外科专业委员会主任委员,湖北省临床肿瘤学会胃肠肿瘤专业委员会委员,中国成人教育协会医学继续教育专业委员会肥胖代谢委员会委员,中国康复医学会减重与代谢康复专业委员会委员,中国研究型医院学会微创外科委员会委员,湖北省微循环学会第五届理事会理事,武汉市中医药学会肛肠专业委员会常务委员,湖北省抗癌协会大肠癌专业委员会常委,湖北抗癌协会胃癌专业委员会委员,中国医师协会结直肠肿瘤委员会亚微外科专业委员会委员,中国医师协会中西医结合专业委员会肿瘤专业委员会委员,湖北省微循环学会功能性胃肠外科专业委员会常委,武汉医学会机器人腔镜外科分会小儿外科机器人学会委员。
    教育履历 1991.09-1996.06南通大学医学院临床医学专业本科生获学士学位
    工作履历 1999.07-2001.10武汉大学人民医院住院医师
    代表性论著 1. Jianfei Luo; Ruicheng Yan,; Xiaobo He; Jie He ; SOX2 inhibits cell proliferation and metastasis, promotes apoptotic by downregulating CCND1 and PARP in gastric cancer, Am J Transl Res , 2018, 10(02): 639-647.
    2. Liu J, Zhu J, Xiao Z, Wang X, Luo J. BBOX1-AS1 contributes to colorectal cancer progression by sponging hsa-miR-361-3p and targeting SH2B1. FEBS Open Bio. 2022,12(5):983-992.
    3. Qimin Tu; Hongjian Gong; Chunhui Yuan; Liu G; Huang J; Li Z; Luo J.Δ133p53/FLp53 Predicts Poor Clinical Outcome in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cancer Management and Research,2020, 8(12): 7405-7417.
    4. Lu Lu; Weixi Xiong; Dan Liu; Jing Liu; Dan Yang; Nian Li; Jie Mu; Jian Guo; Weimin Li; Gang Wang; Hui Gao; Yingying Zhang; Mintao Lin; Lei Chen; Sisi Shen; Hesheng Zhang; Josemir W.Sander; Jianfei Luo; Shengli Chen; Dong Zhou ; New‐onset acute symptomatic seizure and risk factors in Corona Virus Disease 2019: A Retrospective Multicenter Study, Epilepsia , 2020, 61(6): 49-53.
    Date of birth September,1972
    Department Gastrointestinal Surgery,Renmin Hospital,Wuhan University.
    Title Professor, Project Chief
    Email afei099@163.com
    TEL 027-88041911-81333 or 13971255961
    Research Direction 1.Basic and Clinical Research on Gastrointestinal Tumor Surgery
    2. Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Diabetes
    Personal Profile He is mainly engaged the basic and clinical work of gastrointestinal tumor surgery, as well as weight loss and metabolic surgery. More than 40 academic papers including more than 20 papers in SCI journals were published.He has led 2 provincial and ministerial level projects, and 2 Hubei provincial natural science foundation projects,and participated in multiple clinical studies and edited multiple scientific monographs.
    Selected Publications 1. Jianfei Luo; Ruicheng Yan,; Xiaobo He; Jie He ; SOX2 inhibits cell proliferation and metastasis, promotes apoptotic by downregulating CCND1 and PARP in gastric cancer, Am J Transl Res , 2018, 10(02): 639-647.
    2. Liu J, Zhu J, Xiao Z, Wang X, Luo J. BBOX1-AS1 contributes to colorectal cancer progression by sponging hsa-miR-361-3p and targeting SH2B1. FEBS Open Bio. 2022,12(5):983-992.
    3. Qimin Tu; Hongjian Gong; Chunhui Yuan; Liu G; Huang J; Li Z; Luo J.Δ133p53/FLp53 Predicts Poor Clinical Outcome in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cancer Management and Research,2020, 8(12): 7405-7417.
    4. Lu Lu; Weixi Xiong; Dan Liu; Jing Liu; Dan Yang; Nian Li; Jie Mu; Jian Guo; Weimin Li; Gang Wang; Hui Gao; Yingying Zhang; Mintao Lin; Lei Chen; Sisi Shen; Hesheng Zhang; Josemir W.Sander; Jianfei Luo; Shengli Chen; Dong Zhou ; New‐onset acute symptomatic seizure and risk factors in Corona Virus Disease 2019: A Retrospective Multicenter Study, Epilepsia , 2020, 61(6): 49-53.