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  • 刘刚 药学
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    姓名 刘刚
    出生年月 1976年1月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院药学部
    所属学科 药学
    职务、职称及头衔 科室副主任,副教授,主任药师,硕士生导师
    E-mail liugang_wh@126.com
    联系方式 027-88041911转82181,13659809039
    研究方向 天然产物化学成分及生物活性研究
    个人简介 主要从事医院药学管理,制剂生产研发及科研工作,主持国家自然科学基金1项,省级课题4项;参与多项国家及省级课题。获发明专利1项,实用新型专利1项。发表论文40余篇(SCI7篇)
    学术任职与荣誉 湖北省药学会理事; 湖北省药学会医院药学专委会常委、药物经济学专委会常委;湖北省药理学会治疗药物监测专委会常委;湖北省中医药学会中药分会委员;湖北省临床药学质控中心专家组成员;湖北省医保基金专家监督员;武汉药学会理事;武汉市药学会医院药学专委会副主委、医院制剂专委会副主委;中国民族医药协会健康科普分会理事;中国医药教育协会老年药学专委会委员
    教育履历 1993.09-1997.06湖北中医药大学药学本科生 获学士学位
    工作履历 1996.07-1996.12 英国朴茨茅斯大学访问学者
    2000.07-2008.08 武汉大学人民医院药学部主管药师
    2008.12-2013.12 武汉大学人民医院药学部副教授、副主任药师
    2013.12-至今   武汉大学人民医院药学部主任药师
    代表性论著 1、Comparative assessment of extraction, composition, and in vitro antioxidative properties of wheat bran polyphenols[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology 180 (2023) 114706
    2、Improve stability and application of rice oil bodies via surface modification with ferulic acid, (-)-epicatechin, and phytic acid[J]. Food Chemistry 409 (2023) 135274
    3、Confining isolated photosensitizers to relieve self-aggregation and potentiate photodynamic efficacy for synergistic cancer therapy[J].Chem Commun (Camb). 2022 Sep 27;58(77):10813-10816.
    4、Effects of Veratrilla baillonii Extract on Hepatic Gene Expression Profiles in Response to Aconitum brachypodum-Induced Liver Toxicity in Mice [J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology,2019,10
    5、The study of Nerve Conduit with Biocompatibility and Electrical Stimulation Effect[J].Journal of Wuhan University of Techonology-Mater, 2018, 33(6)
    6、Oral absorption mechanism of the polysaccharides from Gastrodia elata Blume base on fluorescence labeling,Food Research International,2021(144)
    Name GANG LIU
    Date of birth Jan,1976
    Department Department of Pharmacy,Renmin Hospital,Wuhan University.
    Title Associate Director,Associate Professor, Chief pharmacist, Tutor of Master degree candidate
    Email liugang_wh@126.com
    TEL 027-88041911-82181 or 13659809039
    Research Direction Study on chemical composition and biological activity of natural products
    Personal Profile Mainly engaged in hospital pharmacy management, preparation production research and development and scientific research, presided over 1 national natural science fund and 4 provincial-level projects; Participate in many national and provincial projects. Obtained 1 invention patent and 1 utility model patent. Published more than 40 papers (SCI7)
    Selected Publications 1、Comparative assessment of extraction, composition, and in vitro antioxidative properties of wheat bran polyphenols[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology 180 (2023) 114706
    2、Improve stability and application of rice oil bodies via surface modification with ferulic acid, (-)-epicatechin, and phytic acid[J]. Food Chemistry 409 (2023) 135274
    3、Confining isolated photosensitizers to relieve self-aggregation and potentiate photodynamic efficacy for synergistic cancer therapy[J].Chem Commun (Camb). 2022 Sep 27;58(77):10813-10816.
    4、Effects of Veratrilla baillonii Extract on Hepatic Gene Expression Profiles in Response to Aconitum brachypodum-Induced Liver Toxicity in Mice [J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology,2019,10
    5、The study of Nerve Conduit with Biocompatibility and Electrical Stimulation Effect[J].Journal of Wuhan University of Techonology-Mater, 2018, 33(6)
    6、Oral absorption mechanism of the polysaccharides from Gastrodia elata Blume base on fluorescence labeling,Food Research International,2021(144)