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  • 汪明 检验
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    姓名 汪明
    出生年月 1978年7月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院检验科
    所属学科 临床医学-临床检验诊断学
    职务、职称及头衔 四级主任技师,硕士生导师
    E-mail morgan@whu.edu.cn
    联系方式 027-88041911转81323或88849或15871716069
    研究方向 1.感染与病原学诊断
    个人简介 主要从事感染性疾病的实验室诊断及科研工作,主持及参与国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金、省卫健委重大项目、武汉市武汉市应用基础研究项目等20余。主编教材《免疫学检验》,副主编(译)及参编专著3部,在National Science Review、Small、《中华检验医学杂志》等杂志上发表论文100余篇,以第一作者发表论文20余篇,其中SCI论文7篇,影响因子超过40。已参与培养硕士生10余名,博士生2名,目前参与培养博士生2名。
    学术任职与荣誉 1.武汉市医学会临床检验专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员
    教育履历 1997.09-2002.06武汉大学第二临床学院医学检验专业本科生获学士学位
    工作履历 2005.07-2008.05武汉大学人民医院技师
    2014.12-2017.01美国Texas Medical Center访问学者
    2020.06-至今    武汉大学人民医院检验科主任技师
    成果获奖 1.《基于Sanger法测序的分子诊断检测试剂盒研发及在个体化医疗中的应用》获2016年湖北省科技进步二等奖
    代表性论著 1. Hu B, Liu R, Tang X, Pan Y, Wang M, Tong Y, Ye G, Shen G, Ying R, Fu A, Di Li W Z, Jing Peng, Jie Guo, Dong Men, Xinmin Yao, Yirong Wang, Hong Zhang, Zhihui Feng, Junping Yu, Liangjun Chen, Zixin Deng, Xuemei Lu, Yaping Zhang, Yirong Li, Bende Liu, Lilei Yu, Yan Li, Jian Lu, Liu T. The concordance between the evolutionary trend and the clinical manifestation of the two SARS-CoV-2 variants[J]. National Science Review, 2021.
    2. Zhao D, Wang M, Wang M, Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Li X, Zhang Y, Wang T, Zeng S, Hu W, Yu W, Hu K. Asymptomatic infection by SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers: A study in a large teaching hospital in Wuhan, China[J]. Int J Infect Dis, 2020, 99: 219-225.
    3. Wang M, Fu A, Hu B, Tong Y, Liu R, Liu Z, Gu J, Xiang B, Liu J, Jiang W, Shen G, Zhao W, Men D, Deng Z, Yu L, Wei W, Li Y, Liu T. Nanopore Targeted Sequencing for the Accurate and Comprehensive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Respiratory Viruses[J]. Small, 2020, 16(32): e2002169.
    4. Jiang S, Liu P, Xiong G, Yang Z, Wang M, Li Y, Yu X J. Coinfection of SARS-CoV-2 and multiple respiratory pathogens in children[J]. Clin Chem Lab Med, 2020, 58(7): 1160-1161.
    5. Tang Y-F, Li W, Yuan J-P, Huang Y-B, Yan H-L, Liu L, Li X-P, Wang M. Diagnostic values of serum tumor markers CA72-4, SCCAg, CYFRA21-1, NSE, AFU, CA125, CA19-9, CEA and FER in nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J]. Translational Cancer Research, 2018, 7(6): 1406-1412.
    6. Wang M, Yuan L, Qiao B, Li Y. Two rescue therapies in lamivudine-resistant patients with chronic hepatitis B in the central China: adefovir monotherapy and adefovir plus lamivudine[J]. Virus Genes, 2014, 48(1): 32-7.
    7. Wang M, Li Y, Li W, Xia Z E, Wu Q. The CD40 gene polymorphism rs1883832 is associated with risk of acute coronary syndrome in a Chinese case-control study[J]. DNA Cell Biol, 2011, 30(3): 173-8.
    8.汪明,吴青,徐万洲,乔斌,王京伟,陈振,郑红云,姜树朋,梅骏驰,吴泽刚,邓亚云,周方元,吴薇,张艳,吕志华,黄景涛,郭晓倩,冯丽娜,夏尊恩,李迪,刘天罡,张平安,童永清,徐之良,李艳.武汉地区8274例受检者新型冠状病毒核酸检测及合并感染结果分析[J].中华检验医学杂志, 2020, 43(04): 341-345.
    9.汪明,袁乐永,刘乐,李雯,马俊,李艳. MTBDRplus方法快速检测结核分枝杆菌耐药性的研究[J].国际呼吸杂志(中华系列?), 2015, 35(21): 1601-1605.
    10.汪明,乔斌,李雯,李艳.男性不育患者Y染色体微缺失与性激素水平相关[J].基础医学与临床, 2015, 35(07): 947-950.
    11.汪明,李锋,李雯,袁乐永,乔斌,熊格,姜树鹏,李艳.克氏综合征患者核型及血清性激素检测[J].中国优生与遗传杂志, 2014, 22(11): 56-57.
    12.汪明,李雯,李艳,李锋,周心房.慢性乙型肝炎患者细胞免疫功能探讨[J].国际检验医学杂志, 2010, 31(03): 295-296.
    13.汪明,李艳,张平安,杨相升,周心房,李晓艳,黄从新.冠心病患者细胞间黏附分子1基因多态性与其他暴露因素的交互作用的研究[J].中华检验医学杂志, 2006(12): 1123-1128.
    14.汪明,李艳,张平安,杨超,向萍霞,韦叶生,李晓艳,黄从新.心肌梗死患者细胞间黏附分子-1基因多态性研究[J].中华流行病学杂志, 2005(09): 82-86.
    15.汪明主编《免疫学检验》.中国协和医科大学出版社, 2015.
    16.汪明副主编《个体化医疗中的临床分子诊断学》.人民卫生出版社, 2013.
    17.汪明副主译《检验医学鉴别诊断——临床医师快速参考指南》.中国医药科技出版社, 2006.
    18.汪明参编《感染免疫实验诊断与分析》.人民军医出版社, 2006.
    Name Ming Wang
    Date of birth July, 1978 
    Department The Department of Clinical Laboratory, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University
    Title Lab Manager, Senior technician, Master tutor
    Email morgan@whu.edu.cn
    TEL 027-88041911-81323/88849 or 15871716069
    Research Direction 1. Infection and pathogenic diagnosis
    2. Application of molecular biotechnology in clinical testing
    Personal Profile He focuses on laboratory diagnosis and research of infectious diseases, and presided over and participated in more than 20 projects supported by National Key Science and Technology Special Project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Major Project of Health Commission of Hubei Province and the Applied Basic Research Projects of  Wuhan City. He has publiesed the textbookClinical Laboratory Immunologyas editor-in-chief, and published 3 ohter professonal books as associate editor-in-chief or translator. He has also published more than 100 papers inNational Review Science,Small,Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicineand other journals. Amone them he has published more than 20 papers as the first or corresponding author, including 7 SCI papers with an total impact factor of more than 40. He has assisted in the training of more than 10 Masters and 2 Doctors, and he is currently assisting in the training of 2 Doctors.
    Selected Publications 1. Hu B, Liu R, Tang X, Pan Y, Wang M, Tong Y, Ye G, Shen G, Ying R, Fu A, Di Li W Z, Jing Peng, Jie Guo, Dong Men, Xinmin Yao, Yirong Wang, Hong Zhang, Zhihui Feng, Junping Yu, Liangjun Chen, Zixin Deng, Xuemei Lu, Yaping Zhang, Yirong Li, Bende Liu, Lilei Yu, Yan Li, Jian Lu, Liu T. The concordance between the evolutionary trend and the clinical manifestation of the two SARS-CoV-2 variants[J]. National Science Review, 2021.
    2. Zhao D, Wang M, Wang M, Zhao Y, Zheng Z, Li X, Zhang Y, Wang T, Zeng S, Hu W, Yu W, Hu K. Asymptomatic infection by SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers: A study in a large teaching hospital in Wuhan, China[J]. Int J Infect Dis, 2020, 99: 219-225.
    3. Wang M, Fu A, Hu B, Tong Y, Liu R, Liu Z, Gu J, Xiang B, Liu J, Jiang W, Shen G, Zhao W, Men D, Deng Z, Yu L, Wei W, Li Y, Liu T. Nanopore Targeted Sequencing for the Accurate and Comprehensive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Respiratory Viruses[J]. Small, 2020, 16(32): e2002169.
    4. Jiang S, Liu P, Xiong G, Yang Z, Wang M, Li Y, Yu X J. Coinfection of SARS-CoV-2 and multiple respiratory pathogens in children[J]. Clin Chem Lab Med, 2020, 58(7): 1160-1161.
    5. Tang Y-F, Li W, Yuan J-P, Huang Y-B, Yan H-L, Liu L, Li X-P, Wang M. Diagnostic values of serum tumor markers CA72-4, SCCAg, CYFRA21-1, NSE, AFU, CA125, CA19-9, CEA and FER in nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J]. Translational Cancer Research, 2018, 7(6): 1406-1412.
    6. Wang M, Yuan L, Qiao B, Li Y. Two rescue therapies in lamivudine-resistant patients with chronic hepatitis B in the central China: adefovir monotherapy and adefovir plus lamivudine[J]. Virus Genes, 2014, 48(1): 32-7.
    7. Wang M, Li Y, Li W, Xia Z E, Wu Q. The CD40 gene polymorphism rs1883832 is associated with risk of acute coronary syndrome in a Chinese case-control study[J]. DNA Cell Biol, 2011, 30(3): 173-8.