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  • 沈吟 眼科学
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    姓名 沈吟
    出生年月 1978年7月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院眼科中心
    所属学科 临床医学-外科学-眼科
    职务、职称及头衔 所长、常务副主任、教授、三级主任医师、博士生导师
    E-mail yinshen@whu.edu.cn
    联系方式 027-88041911转8673188082或13871550513
    研究方向 1.神经眼科
    个人简介 主要从事视网膜眼底病的临床和科研工作,近年来重点关注视网膜相关疾病的干细胞治疗和遗传性眼病的基因诊疗。主持国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项1项(510万),国家自然科学基金项目3项,其他省市级科研和人才项目共18项。已发表学术论文118篇,其中SCI文章74篇,包括PNAS,Nature Structural and Moleculer Biology, Journal of Neuroscience等高影响因子文章。已指导硕士博士研究生和博士后 30 名
    学术任职与荣誉 中华医学会眼科学分会视觉电生理组委员
    Translational Vision Science & Technology(TVST)杂志编委
    教育履历 1996.09-2001.07武汉大学第一临床学本科生获学士学位
    工作履历 2006.12-2010.09美国爱因斯坦医学院眼科系博士后研究员
    成果获奖 1. 2011年武汉大学珞珈青年学者
    2. 2012年湖北省青年科技奖
    3. 2013年武汉大学医学突出贡献奖
    4. 2014年湖北省杰出青年基金
    5. 2014年湖北省青年科技晨光计划人才
    6. 2014年武汉市中青年医学骨干人才
    7. 2015年武汉大学五四青年奖章
    8. 2015年湖北省科协创新创业人才
    9. 2016年武汉大学珞珈特聘教授
    10. 2017年湖北省青年五四奖章
    11. 2017年湖北省荆楚楷模
    12. 2018年武汉市时代楷模
    13. 2018年中华医学会视觉生理组突出贡献奖
    代表性论著 1.Zhou L, Chen L, Chen S, Pu Z, Gu M, Shen Y. Highly Efficient PhotodynamicTherapy with Mitochondria-Targeting Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizer for Retinoblastoma. Adv Healthc Mater. 2022 Oct 22:e2202219.
    2.Chen F, Duan X, Yu Y, Yang S, Chen Y, Gee CE, Nagel G, Zhang K, Gao S, Shen Y. Visual function restoration with a highly sensitive and fast Channelrhodopsin in blind mice. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022 Apr 18;7(1):104.
    3.Shen Y, Luo X, Liu S, Shen Y, Nawy S, Shen Y. Rod bipolar cells dysfunction occurs before ganglion cells loss in excitotoxin-damaged mouse retina. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Dec 2;10(12):905.
    4.Tong Y, Huang X, Qi CX, Shen Y.Altered Functional Connectivity of the Primary Visual Cortex in Patients With Iridocyclitis and Assessment of Its Predictive Value Using Machine Learning. Front Immunol. 2021 May 7;12:660554.
    5.Wu M, Deng Q, Lei X, Du Y, Shen Y.Elavl2 Regulates Retinal Function Via Modulating the Differentiation of Amacrine Cells Subtype.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Jun 1;62(7):1.
    6. Fei Chen,Yao Yu,Yin Shen.A high sensitivity and kinetics of channelrhodopsin PsCatCh2.0 restores vision function in retinitis pigmentosa mouse model.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science June 2020, Vol.61, 2733.
    7.Y Shen,Y Li,Y Shen.Inhibiting Sox2 expression in devrlopmental mousse retina leads to increased retina bipolar cells.Investigative ophthalmology & visual science
    8.Cai D, Luo X, Shen K, Shen Y. GABAergic retinal ganglion cells regulate innate defensive responses. Neuroreport. 2021 May 5;32(7):643-649.
    9.Gao Q, Liu Y, Lei X, Deng Q, Tong Y, Du L, Shen Y. A Novel CNGA1 Gene Mutation (c.G622A) of Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa Leads to the CNGA1 Protein Reduction on Membrane. Biochem Genet. 2019 Aug;57(4):540-554.
    10.Q Deng,Y Xing,M Jiang,X Ma,Q Zhao,W Lu,X Lei,Y Li,Y Shen.A novel estrogen receptor GPER1 activation promote retinal ganglion cell survivor in normal tension glsucoma.Investigative ophthalmology & visual science
    Name YIN SHEN
    Date of birth July, 1978
    Department Eye Center,Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University
    Title Director of eye institute, Executive deputy director of eye center,Professor, doctoral tutor
    Email yinshen@whu.edu.cn
    TEL 027-88041911 to 8673188082or13871550513
    Research Direction 1. Neuro-ophthalmology
    2. Retinal diseases
    Personal Profile She has been constantly engaged in the retinal signal transmission study on a variety of eye diseases. She has been leading investigators in a National Key R&D Program of China and 3 research projects of NSFC, some of which are still ongoing. She also has been leading investigators in 9 scientific research projects and 5 special items for Personnel training of Hubei Province. She has generated 74 articles recorded by Science Citation Index (SCI). Among the publications, she was first author or corresponding author in 54 papers including those published in “PNAS”, “Nature Structural and Moleculer Biology”and “Journal of Neuroscience”. Those high impacted publications are considered to represent relatively superior achievements in the field of eye research. By now, she has educated 30 master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral students
    Selected Publications 1.Zhou L, Chen L, Chen S, Pu Z, Gu M, Shen Y. Highly Efficient PhotodynamicTherapy with Mitochondria-Targeting Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizer for Retinoblastoma. Adv Healthc Mater. 2022 Oct 22:e2202219.
    2.Chen F, Duan X, Yu Y, Yang S, Chen Y, Gee CE, Nagel G, Zhang K, Gao S, Shen Y. Visual function restoration with a highly sensitive and fast Channelrhodopsin in blind mice. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022 Apr 18;7(1):104.
    3.Shen Y, Luo X, Liu S, Shen Y, Nawy S, Shen Y. Rod bipolar cells dysfunction occurs before ganglion cells loss in excitotoxin-damaged mouse retina. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Dec 2;10(12):905.
    4.Tong Y, Huang X, Qi CX, Shen Y.Altered Functional Connectivity of the Primary Visual Cortex in Patients With Iridocyclitis and Assessment of Its Predictive Value Using Machine Learning. Front Immunol. 2021 May 7;12:660554.
    5.Wu M, Deng Q, Lei X, Du Y, Shen Y.Elavl2 Regulates Retinal Function Via Modulating the Differentiation of Amacrine Cells Subtype.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Jun 1;62(7):1.
    6. Fei Chen,Yao Yu,Yin Shen.A high sensitivity and kinetics of channelrhodopsin PsCatCh2.0 restores vision function in retinitis pigmentosa mouse model.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science June 2020, Vol.61, 2733.
    7.Y Shen,Y Li,Y Shen.Inhibiting Sox2 expression in devrlopmental mousse retina leads to increased retina bipolar cells.Investigative ophthalmology & visual science
    8.Cai D, Luo X, Shen K, Shen Y. GABAergic retinal ganglion cells regulate innate defensive responses. Neuroreport. 2021 May 5;32(7):643-649.
    9.Gao Q, Liu Y, Lei X, Deng Q, Tong Y, Du L, Shen Y. A Novel CNGA1 Gene Mutation (c.G622A) of Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa Leads to the CNGA1 Protein Reduction on Membrane. Biochem Genet. 2019 Aug;57(4):540-554.
    10.Q Deng,Y Xing,M Jiang,X Ma,Q Zhao,W Lu,X Lei,Y Li,Y Shen.A novel estrogen receptor GPER1 activation promote retinal ganglion cell survivor in normal tension glsucoma.Investigative ophthalmology & visual science