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  • 雷少青 麻醉学
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    姓名 雷少青
    出生年月 1982年9月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院麻醉科
    所属学科 临床医学-麻醉学
    职务、职称及头衔 科副主任,副教授,主任医师,博士生导师
    E-mail leishaoqing@163.com
    联系方式 027-88041911转81026
    研究方向 1.围术期多器官功能保护机制研究
    个人简介 主要从事临床麻醉及糖尿病心血管并发症的科研工作,已主持国家自然基金项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金项目6项。入选武汉市中青年骨干人才项目及医院第五轮重点人才培养计划。参与《中国麻醉学研究进展》的编写,已发表论文80余篇(其中SCI论文50余篇),特别以第一作者或通讯作者在EclinicalMedicine,Diabetes,Clinic Science, Cardiovascular Diabetology等JCR一区或二区杂志发表较高影响因子SCI论文10余篇。目前已培养硕士研究生5名,正在培养的研究生10名。
    学术任职与荣誉 中国心胸血管麻醉学会围术期基础与转化医学分会常务委员
    教育履历 2008/09-2011/06,武汉大学,医学院,博士
    工作履历 2019/11-至今,武汉大学,人民医院麻醉科,主任医师
    成果获奖 1. 2014年湖北省科技进步二等奖:缺血再灌注对多脏器损伤影响的机制与防治探讨
    2. 2020年湖北省成果推广二等奖:高危病人和重危手术围术期重要脏器保护的临床应用
    代表性论著 代表性论著(*通讯作者)
    1. Jin Z#, Ji Y#, Su W#, Zhou L, Wu X, Gao L, Guo J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Wen X, Xia ZY, Xia Z, Lei S*.  The role of circadian clock-controlled mitochondrial dynamics in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Front Immunol. 2023 May 5;14:1142512.
    2. Lei S, Jiang F, Su W, Chen C, Chen J, Mei W, Zhan LY, Jia Y, Zhang L, Liu D, Xia ZY, Xia Z. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing surgeries during the incubation period of COVID-19 infection. EClinicalMedicine. 2020, 21:100331.
    3. Su W, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Xu J, Zhan L, Zhu Q, Lian Q, Liu H, Xia ZY, Xia Z*, Lei S*, N-acetylcysteine attenuates myocardial dysfunction and postischemic injury by restoring caveolin-3/eNOS signaling in diabetic rats, Cardiovascular Diabetology, 2016, 15(1): 146.
    4. Xue R#, Lei S#, Xia ZY*, Wu Y, Meng Q, Zhan L, Su W, Liu H, Xu J, Liu Z, Zhou B, Xia Z. Selective inhibition of PTEN preserves ischaemic post-conditioning cardioprotection in STZ-induced Type 1 diabetic rats: role of the PI3K/Akt and JAK2/STAT3 pathways, Clin Sci (Lond), 2016, 130(5): 377-392.
    5. Lei S, Li H, Xu J, Liu Y, Gao X, Wang J, Ng KF, Lau WB, Ma XL, Rodrigues B, Irwin MG, Xia Z*,Hyperglycemia-induced protein kinase C beta2 activation induces diastolic cardiac dysfunction in diabetic rats by impairing caveolin-3 expression and Akt/eNOS signaling, Diabetes, 2013, 62(7): 2318-2328 
    Date of birth September,1982
    Department Department of Anesthesiology,Renmin Hospital,Wuhan University.
    Title Vice director, Professor, doctoral tutor
    Email leishaoqing@163.com
    TEL 027-88041911-81026
    Research Direction 1. The mechanisms of diabetic complications
    2. Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in diabetes
    Personal Profile He is mainly engaged in clinical anesthesia and scientific research on cardiovascular complications of diabetes. He has awarded 2 items for National Natural Foundation of China (NSFC) and participated in 6 projects in NSFC. A total of 80 papers, including more than 10 SCI papers with high impact factors (EclinicalMedicine, Diabetes, Clinic Science, Cardiovascular Diabetology, et al.), have been published in the past few years.
    Selected Publications 1. Jin Z#, Ji Y#, Su W#, Zhou L, Wu X, Gao L, Guo J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Wen X, Xia ZY, Xia Z, Lei S*.  The role of circadian clock-controlled mitochondrial dynamics in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Front Immunol. 2023 May 5;14:1142512.
    2. Lei S, Jiang F, Su W, Chen C, Chen J, Mei W, Zhan LY, Jia Y, Zhang L, Liu D, Xia ZY, Xia Z. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing surgeries during the incubation period of COVID-19 infection. EClinicalMedicine. 2020, 21:100331.
    3. Su W, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Xu J, Zhan L, Zhu Q, Lian Q, Liu H, Xia ZY, Xia Z*, Lei S*, N-acetylcysteine attenuates myocardial dysfunction and postischemic injury by restoring caveolin-3/eNOS signaling in diabetic rats, Cardiovascular Diabetology, 2016, 15(1): 146.
    4. Xue R#, Lei S#, Xia ZY*, Wu Y, Meng Q, Zhan L, Su W, Liu H, Xu J, Liu Z, Zhou B, Xia Z. Selective inhibition of PTEN preserves ischaemic post-conditioning cardioprotection in STZ-induced Type 1 diabetic rats: role of the PI3K/Akt and JAK2/STAT3 pathways, Clin Sci (Lond), 2016, 130(5): 377-392.
    5. Lei S, Li H, Xu J, Liu Y, Gao X, Wang J, Ng KF, Lau WB, Ma XL, Rodrigues B, Irwin MG, Xia Z*,Hyperglycemia-induced protein kinase C beta2 activation induces diastolic cardiac dysfunction in diabetic rats by impairing caveolin-3 expression and Akt/eNOS signaling, Diabetes, 2013, 62(7): 2318-2328