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  • 江建新 普外
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    姓名 江建新
    出生年月 1973年10月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院肝胆外科
    所属学科 临床医学-外科学
    职务、职称及头衔 主任医师、博士生导师
    E-mail rm002979@whu.edu.cn
    联系方式 15271821597
    研究方向 1.胰腺癌侵袭转移的分子机制
    2. 肝胆胰脾疾病的临床与基础研究
    个人简介 主要从事肝胆胰脾疾病的诊治与科研工作,获国家自然科学基金3项、博士后基金1项,省科技厅、省卫生厅课题4项。参编书籍:《肝内外胆管扩张诊断治疗学》主编:吕云福,董家鸿-北 京:科学出版社 (第四章 病理生理);以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文50余篇,其中SCI论文38篇,影响因子超过150。已培养硕士生17名,目前正在培养的5名。
    学术任职与荣誉 中华医学会外科学分会第十六、十七、十八届中青年委员
    《世界华人消化杂志》编委、《Annals of surgery》(中文版)通讯编委、《医学参考报》编委 《中华临床医师杂志》 、 《中华实验外科杂志》 、 《 中德临床肿瘤杂志(英文版) 》 、《贵阳医学院学报》、《临床肝胆杂志》审稿人
    教育履历 1992.09-1995.07三峡大学医学院医学系学习
    工作履历 1995.07-2001.07湖北省黄麦岭磷化工集团公司职工医院,外科住院医师。
    成果获奖 腹腔镜、胆道镜及十二指肠镜“三镜”联合及术中激光碎石在胆道结石治疗中
    代表性论著 J. Jiang, Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, C. Yu, M. Chen, Z. Li, S. Tian, C. Sun, MicroRNA-3127 promotes cell proliferation and tumorigenicity in hepatocellular carcinoma by disrupting of PI3K/AKT negative regulation, Oncotarget. 2015. 6(2015)6359-6372.
    J. Jiang, C. Yu, M. Chen, H. Zhang, S. Tian, C. Sun, Reduction of miR-29c enhances pancreatic cancer cell migration and stem cell-like phenotype, Oncotarget. 2015. 6(2015)2767-2778.
    J. Jiang, H. Chen, C. Yu, Y. Zhang, M. Chen, S. Tian, C. Sun, The promotion of salinomycin delivery to hepatocellular carcinoma cells through EGFR and CD133 aptamers conjugation by PLGA nanoparticles, Nanomedicine (Lond). 2015. 10(2015)1863-1879.
    J. Jiang, Z. Li, C. Yu, M. Chen, S. Tian, C. Sun, MiR-1181 inhibits stem cell-like phenotypes and suppresses SOX2 and STAT3 in human pancreatic cancer, Cancer Lett.. 2015. 356(2015)962-970.
    X. Guo, L. Zheng, J. Jiang, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, M. Shen, F. Zhu, R. Tian, C. Shi, M. Xu, X. Li, F. Peng, H. Zhang, Y. Feng, Y. Xie, X. Xu, W. Jia, R. He, C. Xie, J. Hu, D. Ye, M. Wang, R. Qin, Blocking NF-κB Is Essential for the Immunotherapeutic Effect of Recombinant IL18 in Pancreatic Cancer, Clin. Cancer Res.. 2016. 22(2016)5939-5950.
    X. Li, F. Zhu, J. Jiang, C. Sun, Q. Zhong, M. Shen, X. Wang, R. Tian, C. Shi, M. Xu, F. Peng, X. Guo, J. Hu, D. Ye, M. Wang, R. Qin, Simultaneous inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy enhances apoptosis induced by ER stress aggravators in human pancreatic cancer cells, Autophagy. 2016. 12(2016)1521-1537.
    Jiang J, Yu C, Guo X, Zhang H, Tian S, Cai K, He Z, Sun C.G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR87 Promotes the Expansion of PDA Stem Cells through Activating JAK2/STAT3.Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Jan 28;17:384-393. doi: 10.1016/j.omto.2020.01.006. eCollection 2020 Jun 26.PMID: 32405536 Free PMC article.
    Xu J, Wang J, He Z, Chen P, Jiang X, Chen Y, Liu X, Jiang J.,LncRNA CERS6-AS1 promotes proliferation and metastasis through the upregulation of YWHAG and activation of ERK signaling in pancreatic cancer,Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jun 24;12(7):648.  doi: 10.1038/s41419-021-03921-3.
    Jie Wang , Zhiwei He , Jian Xu , Peng Chen, Jianxin Jiang,Long noncoding RNA LINC00941 promotes pancreatic cancer progression by competitively binding miR-335-5p to regulate ROCK1-mediated LIMK1/Cofilin-1 signaling,Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jan 4;12(1):36.  doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-03316-w.
    Shan Lei, Zhiwei He, Tengxiang Chen, Xingjun Guo, Zhirui Zeng, Yiyi Shen Jianxin Jiang. Long noncoding RNA 00976 promotes pancreatic cancer progression through OTUD7B by sponging miR-137 involving EGFR/MAPK pathway [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Nov 20;38(1):470.  doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1388-4.
    M. Chen, M. Wang, S. Xu, X. Guo, J. Jiang, Upregulation of miR-181c contributes to chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer by inactivating the Hippo signaling pathway, Oncotarget. 2015. 2015; 6:44466-44479.
    He Z, Guo X, Tian S, Zhu C, Chen S, Yu C, Jiang, J, Sun C.. MicroRNA-137 reduces stemness features of pancreatic cancer cells by targeting KLF12. [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Mar 12;38(1):126. doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1105-3.
    Zhirui Zeng, Shan Lei , Zhiwei He, Tengxiang Chen, Jianxin Jiang,YEATS2 is a target of HIF1α and promotes pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and migration;J Cell Physiol. 2021 Mar;236(3):2087-2098.  doi: 10.1002/jcp.29995.  Epub 2020 Aug 4.
    Wang J, Guo X, Xie C, Jiang J. KIF15 promotes pancreatic cancer proliferation via the MEK-ERK signalling pathway. Br J Cancer. 2017. 117(2): 245-255.
    江建新,黎志鹏,喻超,肖杰,陈玲,孙诚谊, MicroRNA-100的表达对人胰腺癌细胞化疗药物敏感性的影响,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2015. 21(2015)50-52.
    江建新,赖智文,刘勇,孙城谊, 14-3-3 sigma增强胰腺癌细胞株PANC-1的增殖能力,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2013. 19(2013)938-942.
    龚江波,吴利达,金学林,赵士宇,徐继宗,江建新,再改良Sugiura术对肝硬化门静脉高压症患者门静脉血流动力学及肝功能的影响,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2017. 23(2017)90-94.
    陈美源,孙诚谊,喻超,黎志鹏,江建新,微小RNA-100靶向成纤维生长因子受体调控胰腺癌细胞的增殖,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2016. 22(2016)116-120.
    江建新,黎志鹏,喻超,肖杰,陈玲,孙诚谊,胰腺癌组织中微RNA-100的表达及意义,中华消化外科杂志. 2015. 14(2015)663-667.
    江建新,詹磊,潘耀振,孙诚谊, shRNA干扰KAP-1基因表达对胰腺癌肿瘤干细胞自我更新的影响,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2013. 19(2013)520-525
    Name Jianxin Jiang
    Date of birth October,1973
    Department Hepatobiliary surgery,Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University.
    Title Professor, doctoral tutor
    Email rm002979@whu.edu.cn
    TEL 15271821597
    Research Direction 1. Molecular mechanism of invasion and metastasis of pancreatic cancer
    2. Clinical and basic research on hepatobiliary, pancreatic and spleen diseases
    Personal Profile He is mainly engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diagnosis, treatment and research of hepatobiliary, pancreatic and spleen diseases, and has been awarded 3 items for the National Natural Science Foundation, 4 items from the provincial science and technology departments and provincial health department projects. He has also Participated in the book : "Diagnosis and Therapy of Intrahepatic and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts", Editor-in-Chief: Lu Yunfu, Dong Jiahong-Beijing: Science Press (Chapter 4 Pathophysiology); Besides, there are more than 50 articles published including 38 SCI papers and the impact factor is over 150. By now, he has educated 17 masters. At present, there are 5 Masters studying with him.
    Selected Publications J. Jiang, Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, C. Yu, M. Chen, Z. Li, S. Tian, C. Sun, MicroRNA-3127 promotes cell proliferation and tumorigenicity in hepatocellular carcinoma by disrupting of PI3K/AKT negative regulation, Oncotarget. 2015. 6(2015)6359-6372.
    J. Jiang, C. Yu, M. Chen, H. Zhang, S. Tian, C. Sun, Reduction of miR-29c enhances pancreatic cancer cell migration and stem cell-like phenotype, Oncotarget. 2015. 6(2015)2767-2778.
    J. Jiang, H. Chen, C. Yu, Y. Zhang, M. Chen, S. Tian, C. Sun, The promotion of salinomycin delivery to hepatocellular carcinoma cells through EGFR and CD133 aptamers conjugation by PLGA nanoparticles, Nanomedicine (Lond). 2015. 10(2015)1863-1879.
    J. Jiang, Z. Li, C. Yu, M. Chen, S. Tian, C. Sun, MiR-1181 inhibits stem cell-like phenotypes and suppresses SOX2 and STAT3 in human pancreatic cancer, Cancer Lett.. 2015. 356(2015)962-970.
    X. Guo, L. Zheng, J. Jiang, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, M. Shen, F. Zhu, R. Tian, C. Shi, M. Xu, X. Li, F. Peng, H. Zhang, Y. Feng, Y. Xie, X. Xu, W. Jia, R. He, C. Xie, J. Hu, D. Ye, M. Wang, R. Qin, Blocking NF-κB Is Essential for the Immunotherapeutic Effect of Recombinant IL18 in Pancreatic Cancer, Clin. Cancer Res.. 2016. 22(2016)5939-5950.
    X. Li, F. Zhu, J. Jiang, C. Sun, Q. Zhong, M. Shen, X. Wang, R. Tian, C. Shi, M. Xu, F. Peng, X. Guo, J. Hu, D. Ye, M. Wang, R. Qin, Simultaneous inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy enhances apoptosis induced by ER stress aggravators in human pancreatic cancer cells, Autophagy. 2016. 12(2016)1521-1537.
    Jiang J, Yu C, Guo X, Zhang H, Tian S, Cai K, He Z, Sun C.G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR87 Promotes the Expansion of PDA Stem Cells through Activating JAK2/STAT3.Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Jan 28;17:384-393. doi: 10.1016/j.omto.2020.01.006. eCollection 2020 Jun 26.PMID: 32405536 Free PMC article.
    Xu J, Wang J, He Z, Chen P, Jiang X, Chen Y, Liu X, Jiang J.,LncRNA CERS6-AS1 promotes proliferation and metastasis through the upregulation of YWHAG and activation of ERK signaling in pancreatic cancer,Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jun 24;12(7):648.  doi: 10.1038/s41419-021-03921-3.
    Jie Wang , Zhiwei He , Jian Xu , Peng Chen, Jianxin Jiang,Long noncoding RNA LINC00941 promotes pancreatic cancer progression by competitively binding miR-335-5p to regulate ROCK1-mediated LIMK1/Cofilin-1 signaling,Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jan 4;12(1):36.  doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-03316-w.
    Shan Lei, Zhiwei He, Tengxiang Chen, Xingjun Guo, Zhirui Zeng, Yiyi Shen Jianxin Jiang. Long noncoding RNA 00976 promotes pancreatic cancer progression through OTUD7B by sponging miR-137 involving EGFR/MAPK pathway [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Nov 20;38(1):470.  doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1388-4.
    M. Chen, M. Wang, S. Xu, X. Guo, J. Jiang, Upregulation of miR-181c contributes to chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer by inactivating the Hippo signaling pathway, Oncotarget. 2015. 2015; 6:44466-44479.
    He Z, Guo X, Tian S, Zhu C, Chen S, Yu C, Jiang, J, Sun C.. MicroRNA-137 reduces stemness features of pancreatic cancer cells by targeting KLF12. [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Mar 12;38(1):126. doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1105-3.
    Zhirui Zeng, Shan Lei , Zhiwei He, Tengxiang Chen, Jianxin Jiang,YEATS2 is a target of HIF1α and promotes pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and migration;J Cell Physiol. 2021 Mar;236(3):2087-2098.  doi: 10.1002/jcp.29995.  Epub 2020 Aug 4.
    Wang J, Guo X, Xie C, Jiang J. KIF15 promotes pancreatic cancer proliferation via the MEK-ERK signalling pathway. Br J Cancer. 2017. 117(2): 245-255.
    江建新,黎志鹏,喻超,肖杰,陈玲,孙诚谊, MicroRNA-100的表达对人胰腺癌细胞化疗药物敏感性的影响,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2015. 21(2015)50-52.
    江建新,赖智文,刘勇,孙城谊, 14-3-3 sigma增强胰腺癌细胞株PANC-1的增殖能力,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2013. 19(2013)938-942.
    龚江波,吴利达,金学林,赵士宇,徐继宗,江建新,再改良Sugiura术对肝硬化门静脉高压症患者门静脉血流动力学及肝功能的影响,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2017. 23(2017)90-94.
    陈美源,孙诚谊,喻超,黎志鹏,江建新,微小RNA-100靶向成纤维生长因子受体调控胰腺癌细胞的增殖,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2016. 22(2016)116-120.
    江建新,黎志鹏,喻超,肖杰,陈玲,孙诚谊,胰腺癌组织中微RNA-100的表达及意义,中华消化外科杂志. 2015. 14(2015)663-667.
    江建新,詹磊,潘耀振,孙诚谊, shRNA干扰KAP-1基因表达对胰腺癌肿瘤干细胞自我更新的影响,中华肝胆外科杂志. 2013. 19(2013)520-525