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  • 沈磊 消化
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    姓名 沈磊
    出生年月 1972年8月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院消化内科
    所属学科 临床医学-内科学
    职务、职称及头衔 科主任,三级主任医师,博士生导师
    E-mail leishenwuhan@126.com
    联系方式 027-88041911转82135
    研究方向 1.消化内镜下胃肠疾病、消化道肿瘤的诊断,尤其擅长消化道早癌内镜下诊断;
    个人简介 主要擅长消化内镜下胃肠疾病的诊断和治疗、功能性胃肠病的诊断与治疗,尤其擅长早期食管、胃、肠癌的诊断和治疗,每年完成超过1000例消化内镜手术。以第一作者、通讯作者发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇。主持国家级、省科技厅、省教委、省卫生厅项目7项,参与编写著作《消化道早癌蓝激光成像技术诊断图谱》、《实用消化病学》;培养硕士研究生30余名,博士研究生3名。
    学术任职与荣誉 湖北省微循环学会消化疾病微创诊疗学会主委、湖北省中西医结合学会消化内镜分会主委;湖北省医学会消化分会常委、湖北省医师协会消化分会常委兼秘书、武汉市消化病学会常委、幽门螺杆菌相关疾病专家委员会副主任委员、武汉医学会AI智能学组组长、武汉医学会第十九届消化病学分会常务委员、湖北省医学会消化病学分会第八届委员会常务委员、中华医学会消化病分会消化影像协作组委员、中华消化内镜学会隧道学组委员、中国医师协会内镜分会委员、中国医师协会消化医师分会结直肠学组委员、中华医学会消化内镜分会青年委员、早癌协作组委员湖北省中西医结合消化病专业委员、湖北省医学会胰腺病分会委员会委员、武汉市消化内镜学会委员。
    教育履历 1987.09-1992.06湖北医学院 临床医学专业 获学士学位
    1993.09-1996.06湖北医科大学(现武汉大学医学部) 内科学 获硕士学位
    2000.09-2003.06武汉大学第一临床学院 内科学 获博士学位
    工作履历 1992.07-1996.12 湖北医科大学附属第一医院 住院医师
    1999.08-2005.08 武汉大学人民医院消化内科 主治医师
    2005.08-2011.08 武汉大学人民医院消化内科副教授、副主任医师
    2011.08-至今   武汉大学人民医院消化内科教授 主任医师
    成果获奖 2017获得湖北省科技进步奖二等奖,2011年获得国家新型实用专利一项
    代表性论著 1.Real-time artificial intelligence for detecting focal lesions and
    diagnosing neoplasms of the stomach by white-light endoscopy(with videos).2021
    2.Pristimerin reduces dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice by inhibiting microRNA-155.Int Immunopharmacol.2021
    3.Real-time artificial intelligence for detecting focal lesions and
    diagnosing neoplasms of the stomach by white-light endoscopy(with videos).Gastrointest Endosc.2021
    4.Application of linked color imaging in the diagnosis of early gastrointestinal neoplasms and precancerous lesions: a review.Therap A
    dv Gastroenterol.2021
    5. Eriodictyol attenuates dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in mice by regulating the sonic hedgehog signalling pathway.Pharm Biol.2021
    6. Reciprocal induction of hepatitis C virus replication and stimulation of hepatic profibrogenic cytokine release and cellular viability by YKL-40.Ann Transl Med.2021
    7.Poly(ADP ribose) polymerase 1 inhibitor ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium induced.Exp Ther Med.2021
    8.Clinical Efficacy of Single-Channel Gastroscopy, Double-Channel Gastroscopy, and Double Gastroscopy for Submucosal Tumors in the Cardia and Gastric Fundus.2020
    9.Salidroside attenuates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice via SIRT1/FoxOs signaling pathway.2019
    10.Diagnostic value of blue laser imaging combined with magnifying endoscopy for precancerous and early gastric cancer lesions.2019
    11.Diagnostic ability of blue laser imaging combined with magnifying endoscopy for early esophageal cancer.2019
    Name LEI SHEN
    Date of birth August,1972
    Department Gatroenterology Department,Renmin Hospital,Wuhan University.
    Title Director of Gastroenterology I, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
    Email leishenwuhan@126.com
    TEL 027-88041911-82135
    Research Direction 1. Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases and gastrointestinal tumors under digestive endoscopy, especially  endoscopic diagnosis of early cancer of the digestive tract;
    2. Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of early gastrointestinal cancer, diagnosis and treatment of functional gastrointestinal diseases;3.Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
    Personal Profile He is mainly engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and functional gastrointestinal diseases under digestive endoscopy, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of early gastrointestinal cancer. He completes more than 1000 cases of digestive endoscopy every year. He has published more than 100 papers as the first author and corresponding author, including more than 20 SCI papers. Presided over 7 projects at the national level, the provincial science and technology department, the provincial education commission, and the provincial health department, participated in the compilation of the books "Diagnostic Atlas of Early Gastrointestinal Cancer Blue Laser Imaging Technology" and "Practical Gastroenterology";.He trained more than 30 postgraduates and 3 doctoral students.
    Selected Publications 1.Real-time artificial intelligence for detecting focal lesions and
    diagnosing neoplasms of the stomach by white-light endoscopy(with videos).2021
    2.Pristimerin reduces dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice by inhibiting microRNA-155.Int Immunopharmacol.2021
    3.Real-time artificial intelligence for detecting focal lesions and
    diagnosing neoplasms of the stomach by white-light endoscopy(with videos).Gastrointest Endosc.2021
    4.Application of linked color imaging in the diagnosis of early gastrointestinal neoplasms and precancerous lesions: a review.Therap A
    dv Gastroenterol.2021
    5. Eriodictyol attenuates dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in mice by regulating the sonic hedgehog signalling pathway.Pharm Biol.2021
    6. Reciprocal induction of hepatitis C virus replication and stimulation of hepatic profibrogenic cytokine release and cellular viability by YKL-40.Ann Transl Med.2021
    7.Poly(ADP ribose) polymerase 1 inhibitor ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium induced.Exp Ther Med.2021
    8.Clinical Efficacy of Single-Channel Gastroscopy, Double-Channel Gastroscopy, and Double Gastroscopy for Submucosal Tumors in the Cardia and Gastric Fundus.2020
    9.Salidroside attenuates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice via SIRT1/FoxOs signaling pathway.2019
    10.Diagnostic value of blue laser imaging combined with magnifying endoscopy for precancerous and early gastric cancer lesions.2019
    11.Diagnostic ability of blue laser imaging combined with magnifying endoscopy for early esophageal cancer.2019