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  • 肖卓妮 妇产科
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    姓名 肖卓妮
    出生年月 1978年10月
    单位 武汉大学人民医院生殖医学中心
    所属学科 临床医学-妇产科学
    职务、职称及头衔 副主任医师,硕士生导师
    E-mail rm001111@whu.edu.cn
    联系方式 18627793566
    研究方向 辅助生殖基础研究
    个人简介 中美联合培养医学博士,留美博士后。武汉大学人民医院青年重点人才培养对象,武汉大学青年拔尖人才培养对象,武汉市青年骨干医师培养对象。擅长生殖内分泌疾病的诊断和治疗、不孕症的个体化治疗、辅助生殖技术、优生遗传咨询。 主持国家自然科学基金课题2项,参与国家自然科学基金课题1项,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973课题)1项。科研成果获湖北省科技进步三等奖2项、武汉市科技进步二等奖1项。在国内外核心学术期刊发表论文20余篇,其中Sci收录9篇,副主编专著2部。
    学术任职与荣誉 中国医师协会生殖医学分会青年委员;中国医师协会医学遗传学分会儿童遗传病学组委员;
    教育履历 2005/09-2012/06武汉大学医学院,临床检验诊断,中美联合培养博士学位
    工作履历 2001-至今 武汉大学人民医院妇产科生殖医学中心
    成果获奖 科研成果获湖北省科技进步三等奖2项、武汉市科技进步二等奖1项。
    代表性论著 1. Xiao Zhuoni,Cheng Dan,Chen Jiao,Yang Jing,Xu Wangming,Xie Qingzhen. The effects of methotrexate and uterine arterial embolization in patients with cesarean scar pregnancy: A retrospective case-control study.[J]. Medicine,2019,98(11).
    2. Xiao Zhuo-Ni,Peng Jia-Li,Yang Jing,Xu Wang-Ming. Flexible GnRH Antagonist Protocol versus Progestin-primed Ovarian Stimulation (PPOS) Protocol in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Comparison of Clinical Outcomes and Ovarian Response.[J]. Current medical science,2019,39(3).
    3. Xiao Zhuoni,Peng Jiali,Xie Meiting,Yang Jing,Xu Wangming. mInscuteable regulates meiotic spindle organization during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation.[J]. Zygote (Cambridge, England),2020,28(1).
    4. Xu, W. M. , Xiao, Z. N. , Wang, X. B. , & Huang, Y. . (2016). Il-17 induces fetal loss in a cba/j×balb/c mouse model, and an anti-il-17 antibody prevents fetal loss in a cba/j ×dba/2 mouse model. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 75(1), 51-58.
    5. Xiao Zhuoni,Zhou Xin,Xu Wangming,Yang Jing. A preliminary study of the relationship between the long arm of the Y chromosome (Yqh+) and reproductive outcomes in IVF/ICSI-ET.[J]. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology,2012,165(1).
    6.  Zhu Jinwei,Wen Wenyu,Zheng Zhen,Shang Yuan,Wei Zhiyi,Xiao Zhuoni,Pan Zhu,Du Quansheng,Wang Wenning,Zhang Mingjie. LGN/mInsc and LGN/NuMA complex structures suggest distinct functions in asymmetric cell division for the Par3/mInsc/LGN and Gαi/LGN/NuMA pathways.[J]. Molecular cell,2011,43(3).
    7. Zheng Zhen,Zhu Huabin,Wan Qingwen,Liu Jing,Xiao Zhuoni,Siderovski David P,Du Quansheng. LGN regulates mitotic spindle orientation during epithelial morphogenesis.[J]. The Journal of cell biology,2010,189(2).
    8. Xiao Zhuoni,Zhou Xin,Xu Wangming,Yang Jing,Xie Qingzhen. Natural cycle is superior to hormone replacement therapy cycle for vitrificated-preserved frozen-thawed embryo transfer.[J]. Systems biology in reproductive medicine,2012,58(2).
    9. Zhuoni Xiao,Qingwen Wan,Quansheng Du,Zhen Zheng. Galpha/LGN-mediated asymmetric spindle positioning does not lead to unequal cleavage of the mother cell in 3-D cultured MDCK cells[J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2012,420(4).


    Date of birth October,1978
    Department Reproductive Medcine Centre,Renmin Hospital,Wuhan University.
    Title Deputy Chief Physician, Master's Supervisor
    Email rm001111@whu.edu.cn
    TEL 18627793566
    Research Direction Basic research on assisted reproductive technology
    Personal Profile XIAO Zhuoni, a M.D. jointly trained by China and the United States and postdoctoral fellow in the United States, is a deputy chief physician of Reproductive Department of Huibei Provincial People's Hospital. She has published more than 20 papers in core academic journals at home and abroad, including 9 papers included in Sci and 2 monographs as deputy chief editor. Meanwhile, she presided over 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, participated in 1 project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and 1 project of national key basic research development plan (project 973). Her scientific research achievements won two third prizes of the science and technology progress in Hubei province and one second prize of science and technology progress in Wuhan. As a youth committee member of reproductive medicine branch and child genetic diseases group of medical genetics branch of CMDA and vice chairman of youth committee of reproductive medicine branch of Hubei Medical Association and director of Hubei Reproductive Health Association, she specializes in diagnosis and treatment of reproductive endocrine diseases, individualized treatment of infertility, assisted reproductive technology and eugenics genetic counselling. Besides, she gets a unique research and insight on oocyte genesis, embryo development and embryo implantation.
    Selected Publications 1. Xiao Zhuoni,Cheng Dan,Chen Jiao,Yang Jing,Xu Wangming,Xie Qingzhen. The effects of methotrexate and uterine arterial embolization in patients with cesarean scar pregnancy: A retrospective case-control study.[J]. Medicine,2019,98(11).
    2. Xiao Zhuo-Ni,Peng Jia-Li,Yang Jing,Xu Wang-Ming. Flexible GnRH Antagonist Protocol versus Progestin-primed Ovarian Stimulation (PPOS) Protocol in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Comparison of Clinical Outcomes and Ovarian Response.[J]. Current medical science,2019,39(3).
    3. Xiao Zhuoni,Peng Jiali,Xie Meiting,Yang Jing,Xu Wangming. mInscuteable regulates meiotic spindle organization during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation.[J]. Zygote (Cambridge, England),2020,28(1).
    4. Xu, W. M. , Xiao, Z. N. , Wang, X. B. , & Huang, Y. . (2016). Il-17 induces fetal loss in a cba/j×balb/c mouse model, and an anti-il-17 antibody prevents fetal loss in a cba/j ×dba/2 mouse model. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 75(1), 51-58.
    5. Xiao Zhuoni,Zhou Xin,Xu Wangming,Yang Jing. A preliminary study of the relationship between the long arm of the Y chromosome (Yqh+) and reproductive outcomes in IVF/ICSI-ET.[J]. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology,2012,165(1).
    6.  Zhu Jinwei,Wen Wenyu,Zheng Zhen,Shang Yuan,Wei Zhiyi,Xiao Zhuoni,Pan Zhu,Du Quansheng,Wang Wenning,Zhang Mingjie. LGN/mInsc and LGN/NuMA complex structures suggest distinct functions in asymmetric cell division for the Par3/mInsc/LGN and Gαi/LGN/NuMA pathways.[J]. Molecular cell,2011,43(3).
    7. Zheng Zhen,Zhu Huabin,Wan Qingwen,Liu Jing,Xiao Zhuoni,Siderovski David P,Du Quansheng. LGN regulates mitotic spindle orientation during epithelial morphogenesis.[J]. The Journal of cell biology,2010,189(2).
    8. Xiao Zhuoni,Zhou Xin,Xu Wangming,Yang Jing,Xie Qingzhen. Natural cycle is superior to hormone replacement therapy cycle for vitrificated-preserved frozen-thawed embryo transfer.[J]. Systems biology in reproductive medicine,2012,58(2).
    9. Zhuoni Xiao,Qingwen Wan,Quansheng Du,Zhen Zheng. Galpha/LGN-mediated asymmetric spindle positioning does not lead to unequal cleavage of the mother cell in 3-D cultured MDCK cells[J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2012,420(4).
