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    姚颐 肿瘤Ⅰ科
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    中国抗癌协会(CACA)肺癌专业委员会委员; 中国抗癌协会(CACA)肿瘤放射治疗专委会肺癌学组委员 ; 中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO)肿瘤生物标志物专委会委员; 华人放疗协作组(CRTOG)肺癌专委会委员; 中国老年保健学会肺癌专业委员会常委; 湖北省医学会肿瘤学分会常委 ; 湖北省临床肿瘤学会(ESCO)第二届理事会常务理事 ; 湖北省临床肿瘤学会(ESCO)肺癌专委会常委; 湖北省临床肿瘤学会(ESCO)肺癌青年专委会主委; 湖北省临床肿瘤学会(ESCO)纵隔肿瘤专委会副主委; 湖北省临床肿瘤学会(ESCO)分子影像专委会常委; 湖北省临床肿瘤学会(ESCO)食管癌专委会常委; 湖北省肿瘤专科联盟第一届理事会副理事长; 湖北省抗癌协会第八届理事会常务理事; 湖北省抗癌协会肿瘤内科治疗专委会副主委; 湖北省抗癌协会肿瘤营养与代谢专委会副主委 ; 湖北省抗癌协会肺癌专委会常委兼秘书 ; 获湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖1项;黄石市科技进步二等奖1项;武汉大学人民医院“医疗菁英”、“人民抗疫英模”等荣誉。


    1、YG Li#, J Chen#, B Wang#, ZW Xu, C Wu, JF Ma, QB Song, Q Geng, JM Yu*, HD Pei*, Y Yao*. FOXK2 affects cancer cell response to chemotherapy by promoting nucleotide de novo synthesis. Drug Resist Update. 2023, 67: 100926.

    2、SJ He#, S Zhang#, Y Yao#, et al. Turbulence of Glutamine Metabolism in Pan-cancer Prognosis and Immune Microenvironment. Front Oncol. 2022, 12: 1064127.

    3、ZY Zhang#, Y Dong#, B Wu#, YG Li, ZH Liu, ZM Liu, YJ Gao, LK Gao, QB Song*, ZL Zheng*, Y Yao*. Irradiation enhances the malignancy-promoting behaviors of cancer-associated fibroblasts. Front Oncol. 2022, 12: 965660

    4、Y Yao, J Zhou, HH Zhang, et al. Identification and validation for biological characteristic and prognosis of tumor microenvironment subtypes in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol. 2022, 40(16 suppl): e21006

    5、HH Zhang#, Y Yao#, J Wu#, et al. Comprehensive analysis identifies and validates the tumor microenvironment subtypes to predict anti-tumor therapies efficacy in Hepatocellular carcinoma. Front Immunol. 2022; 13: 838374

    6、Y Dong#, YG Li#, Y Yao*, et al. A novel defined m7G regulator signature to investigate the association between molecular characterization and clinical significance in lung adenocarcinoma. Front Oncol. 2022, 12: 897323.

    7、ZM Liu, J Wang, FB Liao, QB Song, Y Yao*. Tumor-educated platelets facilitate thrombus formation through migration. Front Oncol. 2022, 12: 857865.

    8、SQ Yang#, Y Yao#,*, Y Dong, et al. Predict radiation pneumonitis using a genome-scale flux analysis on RNA-seq derived from peripheral blood. Front Med. 2021, 8: 715961

    9、B Xu#, KH Song#, Y Yao#, et al. Individualized model for predicting COVID-19 deterioration in patients with cancer: A multicenter retrospective study. Cancer Sci. 2021, 112(6): 2522-2532.

    10、Y Yao#, YX Chu#, B Xu, et al. Risk factors for distant metastasis of patients with primary triple-negative breast cancer. Biosci Rep. 2019, 39(6): BSR20190288.

    11、SF Ye#, XF Chen#, Y Yao#,*, et al. Thioredoxin Reductase as a Novel and Efficient Plasma Biomarker for the Detection of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: a Large-scale, Multicenter study. Sci Rep. 2019, 9(1): 2652 

    12、Y Yao#, YX Chu#, B Xu, et al. Radiotherapy after surgery has significant survival benefits for patients with triple negative breast cancer. Cancer Med. 2019, 8(2): 554-563. 

    13、Y Yao#,*, M Peng#, QL Shen#, et al. Detecting EGFR Mutations and ALK/ROS1 Rearrangements in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Malignant Pleural Effusion Samples. Thorac Cancer. 2019, 10(2): 193-202

    14、Zhang C#, Zeng WF#, Yao Yi#, et al. Naringenin ameliorates radiation-induced lung injury by lowering IL-1β level. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2018, 366(2): 341-348. 

    15、Yao Y#,*, Zheng ZL, Song QB. Mesenchymal stem cells: a double-edged sword in radiation-induced lung injury. Thorac Cancer. 2018, 9(2): 208-217. 

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